Tag Archives: Seiko Super Resistant Blue

Digital Exposure and Strain on the Eyes of Kids from Blue Light

Gone are the days when kids used to run out at the slightest possible opportunity to play with their mates. The current generations are becoming more and more addicted to the digital screens and they spend a big chunk of the day in front of these screens. Result is extreme exposure to Blue Light . With the advent of technology, as various devices have come up, so have some easy solutions have also risen to rid the eyes of the Read More...

Using Seiko Super Resistant Blue Glasses in Mauritius Colleges

Students lead a busy life throughout the day. Life revolves around studying, spending time with friends and more. There is not much me – time available during the day. Most of the students prefer to use their phones or laptops for entertainment purpose or to finish up their projects before it’s bedtime and everything has become quiet. There comes the role of Seiko super resistant blue glasses in Mauritius. Using Seiko Super Resistant Blue Glasses in Mauritius Colleges A student does Read More...

Know More about the Optometrists in Mauritius

Deciding on a eye doctor is a very significant decision. So here we are discussing about Optometrists in Mauritius. There can be multiple needs for seeing one like regular vision check up or some troubles in your eyes or others. The first line of defence in such circumstances become the optometrists. Who are Optometrists? An optometrist is a trained individual who has the degree of Doctor of Optometry(OD) and is qualified to check your eyes for both eye sight and eye Read More...

SEIKO Super Resistant Blue: How Do Blue Light Filters Work

A question you may hear a lot – how do blue light filters work? Interestingly you are reading this blog on either your smartphone, tablet, or laptop, you are currently being exposed to blue light which is known to be emitted from all digital devices that we are currently using in our day to day life. If you have read some of our previous blogs, you already know that blue light can cause significant long and short-term damage not Read More...

Blue Light Filter – Why is it important

Visible light is much more complex than you may think. Stepping outdoor while the sun is out, turning on your computer, constantly texting, mailing, working on the phone because it makes your work faster or simply turning on a digital device, because well you’re not sure what else should you do instead after our life depends on such devices 24*7 — all of these things result in your eyes being exposed to a variety of visible and sometimes invisible Read More...